New Mexico Pediatric Society
COVID-19 Resources
Vaccination Events
COVID-19 Public Vaccination Calendar
Locations vary (statewide)
Link to full schedule here (NM DOH website)
Resources for Parents
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Guidance for Workplace, School, Home (printable posters; pdf)
Additional Resources
"Department of Health Provides Options for COVID Surveillance Testing" (NM DOH press release on free Vault at-home tests; Aug. 23, 2021)
"THE CONVERSATION / LA CONVERSACIÓN" (YouTube videos answer FAQ about kids and COVID vaccines; Aug. 19, 2021)
"COVID-19 Vaccines for People Who Are Pregnant or Breastfeeding" (Presbyterian fact sheet; January 2021; pdf)
FAQs about children and COVID-19 (NM DOH; Word doc)
“Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus" (updated Nov. 16, 2020)
Tips for Families Talking to Children About the Coronavirus (Zero to Three)
Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus (Child Mind Institute)
Resources for Providers
American Academy of Pediatrics
COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Toolkit (updated Oct. 29, 2021)
COVID-19 Guidance for Safe Schools (updated July 17, 2021)
Guidance for School Re-entry (updated July 2021)
Supporting the Emotional and Behavioral Health Needs of Children, Adolescents, and Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Jan. 5, 2021; pdf)
Guidance for Return to Sports (Sept. 17, 2020; 5 pages; pdf)
“AAP offers response and updates for members on COVID-19” (Feb. 28, 2020)
FAQs and Answers: Coronavirus Disease-2019 (updated July 16, 2021)
"Maintaining Clinical Preventive Services, Including Immunizations, During the COVID-19 Pandemic" (Word doc.)
Guidance for Workplace, School, Home (printable posters; pdf)
"CDC and FDA Approve Pfizer-BioNTech COVID19 Vaccine for children ages 5 through 11" (alert on vaccinations for children 5-11; Nov. 2, 2021)
"COVID-19 Pediatric Pfizer-Biontech Vaccine Key Messages" (information and FAQs on vaccinations for children 5-11; Nov. 3, 2021)
"Department of Health Provides Options for COVID Surveillance Testing" (press release on Vault at-home tests; Aug. 23, 2021
COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Portal (download directions for how to enroll here (pdf).
Public Health Order: Mass gatherings and business operations (pdf)
Guidance on Additional Doses of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines In Certain Immunocompromised People (Aug. 16, 2021; pdf)
FAQ for Potential COVID Vaccine Providers (Aug. 11, 2021; pdf)
FAQs on COVID-19 and Routine Immunizations (May 5, 2020; pdf)
Additional Resources
This is the chart that was discussed during the Weekly Booster call on Dec. 21, 2021
For dates/links to upcoming training sessions (Pfizer)
“Additional Dose” Quick Guide (Aug. 16, 2021; pdf)
Medical Assistance Program Manual, COVID-19 Supplement: Coverage, Billing, and Reimbursement
NM Human Services Department (Aug. 16, 2021; pdf)
"COVID-19 Vaccines for People Who Are Pregnant or Breastfeeding"
Presbyterian fact sheet (January 2021; pdf)
COVID-19 Updates for the NM Children's Cabinet
by Janis Gonzales MD, MPH, FAAP (Aug.-Nov., 2020)